Friday, 29 March 2019

Music Lessons 2019

Kia Ora, my name is Zudais and this week Rm 7 did music lessons. We all learned how to play different instruments. For example we played the xylophone and drums and we also learned how to play the guitar and the ukulele. For me the ukulele was challenging. While I was playing the  xylophone, I learned how to play "In the Jungle". 

                                            Thanks for checking out my blog.                                                                                            Blog you later, by Zudais

Thursday, 14 March 2019

about vector

hello my name is Zudais and i will be telling you about vector if you dont know what vector is i will tell you right now vector is a company that helps make electricity at your house but sometimes people use solar panels so there house runs on sun power
yo can learn more about vector if you just go to there site

Hope you enjoy!